Instruction for use

Surfaces must be free from dust and grease. The mastic is dispensed by extruding beads in a sufficient quantity between materials to be sealed or materials to be glued. The quantity to be dispensed is based on the flatness of the surfaces to be assembled and the expected force and maximum deformation. The counter-material or smoothing the bead must take place within the time limit for skin formation (we recommend that this time does not exceed 5 to 10 minutes). Sufficient contact must be maintained with the help of mechanical fixing during the time the product requires to take. Polymerisation speed and the speed at which a surface skin forms essentially depend on the thickness of the seal, the temperature and the humidity level in the air and the surfaces. Beads may be painted on using most traditional paints without waiting for them to dry. We would advise you to paint immediately after application to ensure optimal adhesion (wet-on-wet process).

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